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Out of Area BV
7 sep 20201 minuten om te lezen
Waarom is teamwork belangrijk?
Juist in tijden van economische recessie en verminderde omzet, is samenwerken cruciaal om te overleven. Samenwerken, elkaar scherp...
59 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Out of Area BV
7 sep 20201 minuten om te lezen
Out of Area Foundation
The war on the Balkans and its far-reaching consequences were the immediate cause for this foundation. The foundation currently...
148 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Out of Area BV
7 sep 20202 minuten om te lezen
"Annoy your colleague more often"
As Management, we had a fantastic time. A benevolent, motivated and dynamic team of 6 people at the helm of an innovative print company....
47 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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